Love God.
Love people.
follow Jesus.

 "Discovering Joy when life breaks."  That's the title of our current verse-by-verse journey thru the book of Philippians.  We invite you to come be a part of the journey with us!

god's story

Here at REDEEMER'S|Church, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that, no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!

Sunday Mornings
at 10am

REDEEMER'S|CHURCH is located at
224 SW 7th Street
Redmond OR 97756

Live streams available
sundays at 10:20 AM.

Previous Sermons

Check out the latest sermon here or navigate to our YouTube channel to view previous sermons.